Thursday, December 11, 2008

Maybe a Snow Day Tomorrow??????

Just in case your dreams of white fluffy stuff don't come true, make sure you still study for the test tomorrow. Fun and Useful Words, Language Arts Words, and Word Parts. Students should have study sheets for all of them.

The test will include an assortment of old words as well, but the majority of the points will be for the newest words.

If there is a snow day Friday, test will be on Monday.

A short assignment on fragments and complete sentences was given out today and many students got a good head start on it during school. The remainder of the sheet needs to be handed in tomorrow.

Tomorrow, if there is school, I will also finally get around to checking the notes and glossary a second time... This was actually due on Tuesday this week, but I've been behind in checking due to a professional day spent out of the building.

Monday, green sheet is due as always.